The Eddie Eagle cartoon, produced by the National Rifle Association in the late 1980s, is being used in Cleveland, Akron and cities across the country to try to teach children gun safety. But research shows it's ineffective.
4-H offers a shooting sports program to Ohio kids, according to officials. Kids can also partake in the sport at 4-H camps across the state, according to officials.
The ATF is hoping to open a crime gun intelligence center in Northeast Ohio in the spring, Dettelbach said.
Hundreds of people in Cleveland each year are gunshot survivors. Those crimes impact families for years to come after, from medical expenses to physical disabilities and mental health challenges.
In Northeast Ohio, many people suffering from injuries from gun violence end up at MetroHealth Medical Center's level 1 trauma ER. Hospital employees every day are tasked with saving lives and helping the community heal from gun injuries, but it doesn't come without a cost.
Six Cleveland Metropolitan School District students and one recent graduate have been shot and killed since June. Students with the district’s Civics 2.0 program gathered Monday for a student summit to learn more about gun violence’s impact, and develop action plans in response to it.
'The solution may come from the average one of us.' Can grassroots funding create a safer Cleveland?Mayor Justin Bibb and his administration are working to address violence by creating an endowment using $10 million of the city’s half-billion dollar pot of federal stimulus funds.
Cleveland’s first-ever outdoor youth basketball league is in the midst of its second season. Organizers and participants say it has prevented violence in what was once a hotspot on the city’s West Side.
The CMSD Rapid Response Team has a central phone number for people to call when crises occur. The team mobilizes support services quickly to help students and staff dealing with trauma and mental health crises.
From the death of Jayland Walker to the pandemic to a rise in gun violence, Akron's Black community has been plagued by tragedies over the past three years. Community organizations are focusing on mental health in the community to overcome this trauma and grief.