Revitalizing a Cleveland landmark. Advocates say an active district is key for a safer Shaker SquareTenants and owners of century-old Shaker Square believe increased activity is vital to the plaza’s future.
The emerging recreational cannabis market includes THC-infused beverages, but just how popular are these products? Entrepreneurs and industry observers consider the challenges and opportunities presented by cannabis-based drinks.
With recreational marijuana sales taking off in Ohio, new cannabis entrepreneurs are finding gaps to take advantage of in a wide-open marketplace.
The long-vacant industrial complex will transform into a warehouse, showroom, manufacturing space, and most notably, the owner said, a hub for minority female entrepreneurs.
Startups that produce physical products face unique challenges in bringing a concept to market. Northeast Ohio’s ecosystem of incubators and other services are helping bridge that gap.
Refugee entrepreneurs bring more than jobs to Northeast Ohio. They also enrich the region’s cultural landscape, according to Cuyahoga County officials and nonprofits dedicated to easing the newcomer journey.
Cannabis businesses are subject to both local as well as state regulations. Northeast Ohio municipalities must deal with this environment in a post-Issue 2 world.
A recent survey said 18% of women entrepreneurs have to leave their business due to family commitments compared to 12% of men.
Home grown marijuana could thrive in Northeast Ohio with the legalization of recreational marijuana in Ohio. Experts and instructors have some advice when it comes to embarking on your own home cultivation adventure.
Northeast Ohio Medical University’s REDIzone helps entrepreneurs in and out of the university commercialize life sciences and biomedical research. The REDIzone offers physical spaces like labs, but also connections to experts in the university and the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.