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Discover how to take care of your body while taking care of your garden with expert gardener Madeline Hooper and personal fitness trainer Jeff Hughes. Tour gardens across America and learn gardening tips and techniques to avoid stress and injury. Distributed nationally by American Public Television.

Join a culinary pioneer for a dramatic dinner and see how he addresses lower back pain.
Tour private American gardens with experts and learn how to take care of your body.
East and west coast gardens share similarities; a gardener learns to walk tall in both.
Distributed nationally by American Public Television
Gardening on a grand scale causes grand aches; pruning adjustments are the solution.
Enjoy a Japanese garden and see how balancing your body promotes pain-free weeding.
A farm uses African gardening practices and a gardener embraces new fitness habits
Tour a Miami tropical habitat and see how strength training enables body maintenance.
A 5 acre prairie-style garden is the setting for simple exercises that alleviate aches.
Join the harvest at the largest American saffron farm as gardeners find back pain relief.
A spry 95-year-old walks through her garden and gets help keeping her sure-footedness.
We visit a vegetarian gardener as he makes a unique fitness plan in his produce paradise.
A gardener plays with traditional design and finds relief with counter movement therapy.
Clipping large-scale topiaries leads to back pain easily relieved with a few simple turns.
A gardener spends her time planting heirloom crops and embraces fitness in her life.
Desert garden chores of nearly 100 species take a physical toll; stretching offers relief.
Tour private American gardens with experts and learn how to take care of your body.