Getting a tattoo as an artistic, or political expression continues to grow in popularity in all age groups.
One young entrepreneur making her mark as an entrepreneur is India Rush, the owner of India Ink Tattoo Company, located in the Northside Marketplace in Downtown Akron.
She is also Akron's first Black, female, and queer-identifying tattoo studio owner.

On Wednesday's "Sound of Ideas," Rush said her decision to open her shop in Northside was driven by the sense of community. "I'm very personable, I'm very outgoing. I like to talk to people. So I was concerned about being on a bit of an island," she said. "When I went to the marketplace, it's not like that at all, even though the shop is to myself on one side."
Rush is just one of the Northeast Ohio entrepreneurs the "Sound of Ideas" is shining a spotlight on this month. We've also talked to young entrepreneurs about the challenges they face getting their ideas off the ground. We've talked to immigrant entrepreneurs who are navigating putting down new roots as they start their businesses. And we've talked to organizations helping diverse entrepreneurs get the support they need to succeed.
Rush said she feels inspired to evolve the business and her own artistry.
"I'm really eager to start taking some painting classes at the University of Akron," she said. "Just evolving my skillset as an artist to help improve my tattooing. And then as far as business-wise, I am involved in a business mentorship program to help grow me as a business owner."