They year 1918 went into the history books as a tumultuous and catastrophic one. World War One finally reached it's deadly end. But in the waning months of 1918, another disaster was reaching its crescendo. An outbreak of a deadly strain of the flu swept the globe, killing as many as 100 million, which still ranks as the worst global pandemic in modern history. Researchers are still trying to learn from the 1918 flu virus, in hopes it can help should another deadly flu virus cover the globe. We'll discuss what made the 1918 flu virus so deadly with an infectious disease specialist and also hear how the pandemic impacted Cleveland, a century ago. Then, we'll discuss a recent report that looks at the number of young people in our region that are not engaged in either educational pursuit, or the workforce.
For More Information:
Amesh Adalja, MD, Infectious Disease Doctor, Senior Scholar, Center for Health Security; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
John Grabowski, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History, Case Western Reserve University; Senior VP Research, Western Reserve Historical Society
Craig Dorn, President & CEO, Youth Opportunities Unlimited
Jill Rizika, Executive Director, Towards Employment
Ray Leach, Founding CEO, JumpStart Inc.