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NewsDepth Inbox: Season 47 - Episode #7

NEWSDEPTH QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  Who would you choose to be the next President of the United States?  Be sure to tell us why you made this decision.

Zeke, Waynesfield Elementary:  For the News depth election I voted for Gary Johnson.  I know there aren't that many Third Party candidate votes.  Many people want to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, but I like two other candidates better: Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.  I like Jill Stein because she loves the environment and I like Gary Johnson because he wants to limit the power of the government and give more rights to the United States.

Kenneth, Central Intermediate:  My vote is Jill Stein, because I feel like we need a doctor for President. Maybe she can lower the price for epi pens so people who need them can finally have them.  Also I think having a doctor as President would help out the country a lot.  I also know a bunch of people who need medical supplies.

Chloe, New Bremen Elementary:  I would choose Donald Trump to be our next President of the United States.  I would choose him because he wants to make our military stronger and I think that would be good for our country.  Also he does not think that polices in our country get enough appreciation and I agree you should respect them for the incredible job they do.

Max, Pattison Elementary:  I just wanted to say that my class voted for Hillary Clinton.  We did a majority vote and about 79% of my class voted Hillary.  My teacher Mrs. S. said that it was close between Hillary and Trump.  I myself would vote for Hillary.  Our class is actually learning about the candidates for president.

Jared, St. Francis de Sales:  It was a hard choice between all the candidates because they all offer good things, but I chose Jill Stein.  She offers renewable energy and I think that's a great thing for not just the country but for the world because the world usually is using fossil fuels, which are running out fast.

Connor, Heritage Elementary:  I voted for Donald Trump on the weekly poll.   I voted for Donald Trump because he is a Republican and Republicans believe in a strong military, which make the USA safer from bad people, low taxes, which means we do not have to pay high taxes, and personal responsibility, which is great!

Liam, Kensington Intermediate:  I voted for Hillary Clinton in the NewsDepth election because I feel like this election doesn't have the best candidate choices.  Jill Stein wants to help the environment and I respect that, but I don't think that would be the best president. Gary Johnson wants to limit the government, and that's not always good.  Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have their ups and downs, but in the end I believe that Hillary would be the best out of the four.

Bella, Rock Creek Elementary:  I really enjoyed watching the segment about Victoria Woodhull. It was very fascinating that even before women had the right to vote, Victoria had the urge to have equality in her country. What’s even cooler - she was from Ohio!  Even though Hillary Clinton was the first to be representing a major political party, Victoria Woodhull beat her to running first!  I also enjoyed the segment about the process of voting.  I loved that Margaret was so enthusiastic about it! When I’m at home, my parents always talk about voting and I’m always confused! Thank you for explaining it to me, NewsDepth!  Now I know what to do in 6 years!