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NewsDepth Inbox: Season 47 - Episode #6

NEWSDEPTH QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  Should we get rid of the Electoral College and elect Presidents by popular vote?  Be sure to tell us why you made this decision.

Alexis, Buckeye Elementary School:  I think that we should get rid of the Electoral College and elect presidents from popular vote, because it would be easier for people to vote.  It wouldn't be as confusing for any of the people or government to decide who to vote for, because there are a little more than 1,000 people trying to be president.

Corbin, Claggett Middle School:  The topic that caught my eye was the Elector vote.  I think there should be the Elector vote, because if the vote was just chosen by the people, the president would have been chosen by opinions from the Internet, and the Internet isn't always true.  If the Elector vote stayed it would also be chosen by many people who have looked at the facts and made a decision.

Tristan, Ayer Elementary:  I think that the popular vote should elect the president, not the Electoral College. If the Electoral College elects the new President, it would not be fair to the general public to vote and not be able to win the election because of the Electoral College. I thought that if the general public votes for the new President, then it would be fair to everyone. That means that if the general public does the voting, everyone tries to elect the president, not just 538 people.

Caedmon, Maryland Elementary:  I voted that the electoral votes should be taken out of the process, because if someone voted for the Democrat and the rest of his/her state voted Republican, then all the electoral votes would be in favor of the Republicans.  This makes the Democrats’ votes not count.

Bella, Rock Creek Elementary:  My favorite part of the October 27th episode of NewsDepth was when Mr. Nick talked about the election about Ted Strickland and Rob Portman for our Ohio Senate.  It was nice to know something about the election that is native to Ohio, not the whole United States. Although it is very interesting to learn about our country’s presidential election, it is also very exciting and interesting to learn about what’s happening in our home state.  I would personally vote for Rob Portman because flyers come to our house like every day saying to vote for Rob Portman.  I usually read them but I don’t really know anything about politics yet; the only thing I really know is what you guys tell me and what my parents tell me, so, I don’t really know what he’ll do for us but, I know a little bit.   Thank you for providing me with enough information to keep up with the times!

Summer, Bassett Elementary:  We think that we should continue the Electoral College because it gives presidential candidates a chance to be elected even if they didn't win the popular vote, and what if the popular candidate wouldn't be a good leader for our country?  Some great Presidents have been elected by the Electoral College, like George W. Bush in 2000.  Also, we feel we should keep the Electoral College because that was the way our Founding Fathers thought our government should be, and why would they make this choice if it wasn't a good one, and it still works today!

Maya, Maryland Elementary:

I really liked your story on the pumpkin carver so much it inspired me to write a poem!

Pumpkin carving is so much fun!

U should really try it

Make a pumpkin

Pick another

Kids will come and make a riot

Interested by all the spooky stuff they have seen

Never seen a finer sight on this Halloween

Carve the pumpkin carefully

And you will succeed

Really tiny details

Very hard to see

Everyone hopes you like it


Happy Halloween!