The fateful year 2020 brought dramatic challenges to American cities. The COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest caused by the killing of George Floyd led to a cascade of negative media stories about cities, often politically motivated. It seemed possible that the economic and demographic gains cities had achieved over the last few decades could be lost. In fact, there has been measurable population loss in larger cities caused by changing work/life patterns and changing public perceptions about the costs and benefits of urban living.
Released in July 2024, the 38 chapters in The Case for Cities draw on the expertise of contributors from the academic, professional, and civic sectors. They argue that, when faced with these challenges, advocates for cities must make a vigorous case for cities and show how they aren’t the cause of America’s social, environmental, economic, and public health problems but, are rather, are the places where the solutions to those problems will be found.
Join us at the City Club as we hear from the book's authors and experts in urban planning on what is needed to promote a viable and sustainable urban resurgence.
- Terry Grundy
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Planning, University of Cincinnati - Danilo Palazzo, PhD
Director, School of Planning, University of Cincinnati - Carla D. Walker
U.S. Director, Environmental Justice & Equity, World Resources Institute
- Lee Fisher
Dean and Joseph C. Hostetler-BakerHostetler Chair in Law, Cleveland State University College of Law