Cleveland has long been a hot bed for music. It’s where record execs often brought their bands to break, and where local starry-eyed teens dreamed of making it big in the music business. Which is exactly what Clevelander - Mike Zaite, aka Doctor Z - did! But his office isn't lined with gold records. Instead, you’ll find vacuum tubes, knobs and a bunch of copper wire hanging from his walls.
A bootleg guitar may seem unsuitable for most musicians - unless it’s made by Jon Hill. He’s a wood worker and the owner of Bootleg Guitars in Cleveland, and he makes guitars from scratch that are beautiful and an inspiration to play.
Shutterbug Zeb Andrews loves photography because it’s simple, slow and it gets him into places that he otherwise wouldn't spend a lot of time in - like his kitchen, where he makes cameras from scratch with household items. The devices may seem primitive, but as you’ll see in our on-going series Applause America, the results are very sophisticated.Mike Zaite, Dr. Z Amps
Jon Hill, Bootleg Guitars and Basses
Zeb Andrews, Photographer