When I was in elementary school, I was in the announcements club. I got to go to the office, first thing, and read that day’s announcements on the loudspeaker. It was a lot of fun and maybe got me ready for my job as NewsDepth host. This week’s A+ Award winners are following that same path and maybe one day will host NewsDepth or their own news show. This week’s A+ Award winners are the Morning Announcements Club from Crestview Elementary School, in Brunswick!
The Morning Announcement Club is a group of ten fifth graders who have taken on the responsibility of sharing important information to 450 students and staff members using the school’s television system. The group meets every other week and pre-records the morning announcements which contain the day’s lunch menu, fun facts, upcoming events, Brunswick’s Journey of A Blue Devil competencies, mindfulness videos, the Pledge of Allegiance and PRIDE Code which both feature different classrooms of students. I wish we could plan that far in advance!
The group told us that they were recruited by their fourth grade teachers based on their responsibility, citizenship, academics, and character. These newscasters also told us this club is important, not only for providing the news, but that they are role models to kids from kindergarten to fifth grade. Cameron told us that sometimes he even feels like a celebrity. I know that feeling, Cameron!
Chase added that he’s really proud to be a part of the club because he knows he’s accomplishing something important and Madison told us that they have the privilege of providing a service to their community. Wow, it almost sounds like they would fit in here at NewsDepth Headquarters!
Well, as a matter of fact, a few weeks ago they stopped by the studio to give us a visit. During their visit they got to tour the Idea Center, in downtown Cleveland, speak with my buddy Ygal, who sometimes fills in for me when I’m not able to be here, and a few other people who work here. They even got to speak with Amy Eddings, who is one of our radio hosts and went to Crestview Elementary School! But my favorite part of their visit was when they stopped by the studio when we were taping the episode that you all watched on February 29.
This week’s A+ Award goes to the Morning Announcements Club at Crestview Elementary School for sharing important information with their classmates. Congratulations and thanks for stopping by to visit!