Social media have become major platforms for free speech and expression in today’s world.
People can express their opinions and share their ideas, regardless of geographic boundaries.
However, social media platforms are also private companies and have the right to set their own policies and guidelines for content moderation.
So for our write-in question this week, we want to know what you think. Should social media platforms regulate what is shared?
Dear NewsDepth,
Yes, they should regulate content on social media because some things can hurt people's feelings. Or telling lies about someone could make someone mad or sad. It also can make someone feel different about another person.
— Breah, Jefferson Elementary School
I think that social media platforms should be regulated because sometimes people post bad content that other people are too young to see, and could affect their person mentally and physically. That is why I think social media platforms should be regulated.
— Graham Cracker, Candyland Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
In my opinion i think social media should regulate content, because i think people spend to much time on social media, i believe if social media platforms would regulate content we would might get of the devices to play more outside and get more sleep at night.
— Aislinn, Canterbury Elementary
Yes, I think regulating content is a good idea because I have seen what it can do to your mood. I have used my moms phone before and I felt off so I started to get active and it helped.
— Liam, Silver Lake Elementary
Dear NewsDepth, I will say no but yes,A lot of people want to look their best on the internet and that gets people into thinking that they need to be like that too.
Also there are photos that have a dog or a cat as the photo and that doesn't get people thinking that they need to be better.
— Maya, Bio-Med Science Academy