Last week we told you about Ohio's famous author, Toni Morrison. We challenged you to write your story in the genre of historic fiction from any era.
Here are your stories!
Dear NewsDepth,
My story is about a girl named Leah. She grew up in Ephesus, a town in Greece. Her parents always knew something was special about her. She loved the gods and goddesses. Her interest sparked from her town, who strongly worshipped them. She especially favored the goddesses, specifically Athena. She loved how smart and brave she is. One day she was taking a test and was quite confused. Unlike most people in her class, she wasn't a genius machine. She was praying to Athena for the answers. All of the sudden it hit her. She started filling in the answers like crazy. She got the test back two days later and found out that she got all the answers correct. The End.
P.S. tell NewsHound I said hi.
— Ellie, Heritage Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
In 1834, a man named Joseph thought to himself, " what if I become president?" He thought about becoming president by disguising himself as their current president, Mr. Shorety. He decided it was a particularly good idea. He began pursuit of making his costume. It took weeks of crafting in his basement, but after that week, it was done. He looked exactly like Mr. Shortey!! He couldn't believe it but he went out into the most popular part of his town and everyone loved him. The original Mr. Shortey sadly passed from old age, but the imposter kept posing as him, for the rest of his life.
Give Newshound extra love for me!
— Audrey, Mulberry Elementary
Dear NewsDepth,
This story is about someone in the Revolutionary War. Do you know about Deborah's friend Bob? He was supposed to fight in the War but something happened. He went on vacation instead. He went on vacation in the Bahamas and ditched the war. Turns out the Revolutionary war was perfectly fine without Bob and he had a great time in the Bahamas. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye!
— Quinn, Gilles-Sweet Elementary School
Hi NewsDepth!
Dear Newsdepth, this is my story. The year is 1969 I am an astronaut on the first mission to the moon. Once I landed on the moon I saw a alien and he was very angry. it looked like he was going to eat me. But he didn't he just wanted to play Fortnite, so he challenged me to a 1v1 and I got cooked. Since I lost he made me his pet. He took me back to his house on planet Fanum, where he made me mine for diamonds. THE END!!!
— Dominic, Strongsville, Middle school
Dear NewsDepth,
(This story is set during segregation times)
"The sun will still rise
Every day my heart dies,
blue eyes blue skies
Little stereotypes. Little lies.
Yet the sun must still rise.
I walk to school, my heart dies
This school is just for my kind
Brown skin, Brown eyes.
Yet the sun must still rise
I go home about to crack
why am I different. what do I lack.
I go to my pillow, I cry and cry.
But the sun must still rise."
—Amari, Jackson Intermediate