House Bill 93 bans municipalities from requiring landlords to pay delinquent water and sewer bills, instead requiring cities to go after renters, which Summit County says will lead to higher utility rates.
Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro announced an expansion of FairlawnGig to Copley Township and Akron among other infrastructure projects in the 2024 State of the County address.
Trevor Elkins was convicted in connection with using campaign funds for personal expenses; NFL says Cleveland Browns QB Deshaun Watson settling 20 of the lawsuits against him will have no impact on any disciplinary action; Ohio's largest business organizations are endorsing three Republican Ohio Supreme Court nominees.
A new dispatch system launched this month in Summit County will improve emergency response.Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) replaced aging, DOS-based…
Akron-based Women’s Network of Northeast Ohio has released the somewhat surprising results of research focused on gender equity and women’s leadership in…
Ilene Shapiro easily won a full term as Summit County Executive in Tuesday’s election. Since Summit County elected its first County Executive in 1981,…
Summit and Cuyahoga hold a unique distinction
Republican Bill Roemer and Democrat Ilene Shapiro are running for Summit County executive. Shapiro currently holds the office, having been appointed to it…
Republican Bill Roemer and Democrat Ilene Shapiro, the candidates for Summit County executive, held their first and only debate today at Quaker Station in…
A new proposal before Summit County Council tonight would allow employees to take off six weeks of paid leave after the birth of a child – a big change…