The most recent version includes restoring funding cuts to public transit and additional funding for the highway patrol, while reducing proposed fines and fees in other areas.
A Stark county community won a victory in the recent state budget, but it’s not clear how. Lawmakers inserted a provision that will allow the village of…
Hours after Gov. Mike DeWine’s State of the State speech in which he argued for an 18 cent gas tax increase to fund road repair and maintenance, state…
A panel of six lawmakers charged with looking at some of the $9 billion in state tax breaks has recommended none of them be eliminated or cut back for…
The bill to clamp down on payday lending interest rates and fees has hit another wall. After passing out of the House with strong support, Senate…
State lawmakers have introduced their plan to spend more than $2.6 billion on capital improvements throughout Ohio. Republican Sen. Scott Oelslager says…