College is getting back in session for many in Northeast Ohio, and like other segments of society, COVID-19 restrictions are being loosened in many cases, with mask requirements for the most part being lifted. Colleges also have a new threat to contend with in monkeypox, however.
Service begins Aug. 19. Visitors can park at PARTA's parking garage in downtown Kent and take the trolley to restaurants and breweries where parking is otherwise limited.
Around 2 million Americans suffer from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a poorly understood disease with few treatment options or research dollars.
The court wants the redistricting commission to explain their reasoning for not having maps approved again; A former Cleveland city worker will be spared from prison time despite his role in corruption scheme; A Kent native illustrator will have his artwork featured on a postal stamp; and more stories.
Republicans are expected to unveil a new map today for congressional redistricting; Ohio election officials say they have “grave concerns” about being able to carry out a successful primary election on May 3; Akron Public Schools superintendent is going to have to try again to win over the school board when it comes to getting more administrative help; and more stories.
Much to the dismay of Kent State students and alumni alike, the Starbucks located in the historic Capt’n Brady’s building on the Kent campus closes its doors today.
Two Northeast Ohio independent music venue owners, The Happy Dog's Sean Watterson and The Kent Stage's Tom Simpson, explain why they've waited to reopen, and about the long, frustrating wait for promised federal funding. Also, Shuffle contributor Annie Nickoloff shares how reopening plans have been going at other venues in the region, detailed in her Cleveland.com series: "Concerts during COVID."
Two Northeast Ohio independent music venue owners explain why they've waited to reopen, and about the long, frustrating wait for promised federal funding.
PARTA, Portage Area Regional Transportation Authority, is modifying some of its routes because it cannot find enough drivers.
Ella Hassler is a freshman in Kent City Schools and shares her contribution to the Global Vaccine Poem.