Akron seeks to keep residents in stable housing by creating a new intiative, Home Connection Service, in partnership with Fair housing Contact Service, a local nonprofit.
A vibrant neighborhood which was home to many African American families was wiped out in the 1970's to make way for the Innerbelt. The highway, which was never fully built and was underused, was finally decommissioned in 2018.
Akron has been receiving calls for those not complying with the carbon monoxide detector ordinance. The city is also looking into funding for those who cannot afford them.
The change comes after a resident brought up concerns last month about how predominantly Christian opening prayers were. A national organization that advocates for the separation of church and state also reached out to council urging it to stop prayers altogether.
The council underwent three days of hearings before the budget committee last week and is expected to make a decision today.
Residents say the zoning code should call for less density, more green practices in future developments around the CVNP.
The funding will be used to upgrade and improve the parks in West Akron and Middlebury.
After so many closures and cancellations in 2020, plans are being made for socially distanced events this year.
The city sought to study its tree coverage to see how much has been lost during a major sewer construction project and now wants to advance equity with future efforts.
An additional 75 miles of road will also be re-paved under Mayor Horrigan's capital budget