Sheriffs have no obligation to participate in federal enforcement of immigration policy, advocates said in a letter to Ohio sheriffs.
The civil rights organization has received several "credible" concerns that police are retaliating against protesters.
Judge Christian Jenkins has issued a two-week pause on Ohio's so-called "heartbeat law," expressly recognizing that Ohio's constitution confers greater rights in the abortion context than the U.S. Constitution; Goodyear has agreed to settle 184 labor lawsuits filed by migrant workers at its factory in Malaysia ... and more stories.
Gov. Mike DeWine has ordered all flags on public buildings be flown at half-staff until sunset on the day the Queen Elizabeth II is interred; Akron City Council has approved a ballot measure for a charter amendment to create a civilian police review board, but there are still concerns; The ACLU of Ohio and six clinics in Hamilton County are seeking a temporary restraining order blocking Ohio's recent six-week abortion ban called the heartbeat law; and more stories.
ACLU of Ohio alleges Buckeye Valley Local Schools violated a Columbus author's First Amendment rightBuckeye Valley West Elementary School canceled a reading of the children's book It's Okay to be a Unicorn! after some parents and school board members thought it conveyed a pro LGBTQ+ message.
Abortion advocates say that's why they are suing the state.
The sponsor of the bill says he wants other legislators to be able to have time to take a closer look at it.
The ACLU of Ohio says two inmates have not been given fair hearings because of an unwritten rule of denying release from prison.
Even with bipartisan support to reduce Ohio's prison population, state lawmakers are increasing the number of felonies and penalties defendants face.
Ohio’s top legislative leaders are being sued for not being transparent with the public in matters related to the state’s new voter-approved process for drawing new maps for Congress and the state House and Senate.