Exploradio Origins
Exploradio Origins ponders the biggest questions in the universe in 90 seconds.
Each episode highlights the work of one of the more than 200 fellows at the Institute for the Science of Origins at Case Western Reserve University. Their research examines the origins of life, the universe, and the strands that connect all of science.
Exploradio Origins is a collaboration between WKSU and the Institute for the Science of Origins.
You may know semiconductors from computers: they’re a material somewhere between an electrical conductor and an electrical insulator that can be used as…
"There are technologies that we can use now like next generation sequencing where it allows us to take a really teeny tiny piece of DNA or RNA and…
“It's known that the universe is expanding; of course it's been known since the 1920s. The surprise we were hit with in the 1990s is that the expansion is…
The fishermen of Iceland became concerned around a decade ago. The capelin, a small fish that’s a staple catch, and a crucial link in the ocean ecosystem,…
Some of you may have heard of SETI: the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. The idea is that if there's an advanced alien civilization, they’d try…
A research group at Case Western Reserve University, led by professor of biomedical engineering Dustin Tyler, works with neural implants in people who’ve…
"If we find life on another planet, it's likely going to be microbial," said Ashley Manning-Berg, assistant professor in geology at The University of…
Epilepsy is a condition that we usually think of as being in the brain. Doctors typically identify it by measuring brain activity. However, new evidence…
In the early 20th century, physicists discovered cosmic rays- energetic particles zooming through deep space. Many of these come from the sun, and can…
“Cultural geology in my eye is the interface of geology and human culture,” Joe Hannibal said.Joe Hannibal is curator of invertebrate paleontology at the…