Amanda Martinez Moreno
Health InternAmanda is working with the Ideastream health team this summer. She is a rising senior at Case Western Reserve University majoring in English and Biology and minoring in Social Justice. She is the 2022 Baker-Nord Summer Ethics Fellow with the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence. Amanda is also a founding member of the Sigma Lambda Gamma associate chapter at CWRU, the first national multicultural sorority at the university.
Growing up in a bilingual household, Amanda Martinez Moreno felt pressure to stand in for her parents, who were insecure in their language skills. She speaks to other bilingual kids who had similar experiences.
A Summit County resident has been confirmed to have monkeypox, Summit County Public Health (SCPH) reported Thursday.
Thousands of Ohioans are making their way to county fairs this summer. Here's what a dietician has to say about the most popular fair foods.
Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise across Northeast Ohio, but although the newest variant is highly contagious, it is not causing a surge in hospitalizations, infectious disease experts said.
As the weather continues to warm, people and ticks are enjoying the out-of-doors. Here's what you need to stay safe and what you should do if you are bitten.
Mayor Justin Bibb appointed on Wednesday Dr. David Margolius the new director of public health for the city of Cleveland.
On Monday evening, Cleveland City Council unanimously passed legislation to create the Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls.
University Hospitals Portage Medical Center has received $1 million to establish a new breast health center from federal funding and local donations, the hospital announced Tuesday.