A Stark County addiction treatment provider is opening a detox center this fall inside Canton's Aultman Hospital. CommQuest is relocating the service it’s been operating in Massillon.
CommQuest President and CEO Keith Hochadel says moving to Aultman will provide access for more people in need. And being in a hospital setting means they can help patients who often seek treatment in the emergency room.
They expect to serve about 750 patients a year in the detox unit at Aultman, which will be located in the hospital’s former inpatient psychiatric unit. Hochadel says CommQuest will bring important skills to the hospital setting.
"I think hospitals typically try to focus on medical disorders and medical needs, and behavorial health is not always or addiction services is not something that they always want to be involved in, it's not their expertise," Hochadel said.
CommQuest's first hospital unit opened in the Alliance Community hospital in 2017. Aultman purchased the Alliance hospital in 2018, which lead to the partnership with CommQuest.
CommQuest plans to use the space it's vacated in Massillon for recovered patients in need of housing and transportation services.