Recent resignations at the Statehouse over inappropriate sexual behavior are on the radar of some who say some of those incidents need to be investigated.
Ohio Christian Alliance President Chris Long says more investigation is needed into the resignations of Republican state Sen. Cliff Hite, Republican Rep. Wes Goodman and Senate Democratic Chief of Staff Mike Premo and former Rep. Wes Goodman.
“There’s been a lack of transparency at times or a slow delivery of public records in regards to some of these incidents, and I think that the public has some concerns about reports that have been coming out of the Statehouse as of late.”
If wrongdoing is found, Long wants criminal charges filed. And if lobbyists are involved, he says they should be blocked.
Legislative Inspector General Tony Bledsoe says lobbying credentials can only be terminated for felony level conduct and if the office would have evidence of criminal conduct, it would have been reported to police.