Mayor Dan Horrigan’s nominees to the new Akron Civil Rights Commission were approved this week by City Council. Now the group, with the authority to investigate and mediate complaints and enforce the city’s new anti-discrimination ordinance, has to organize itself.

The commission members are charged with choosing who will be the chairperson, the vice-chairperson. And Assistant City Law Director Ellen Lander-Nischt says they’ll be establishing procedures too. “That’s the way that Council approved the set-up of the commission, so by approving the members council did its part and now it’s to the commission to meet. And they’ll be assisted by members of the administration, the law department, to help them craft their rules and regulations. So, those are next steps.”
The commission members are Cynthia Christman, Eufrancia Lash, Brant Lee, GinaKay Maddox, and Nanett Pitt. Alternates are Sharon Conner and Alverez Turner.