President Barack Obama stumped at Cleveland Burke Lakefront Airport today for the person he hopes will replace him. About 2,500 people crowded onto the tarmac to hear the president contrast Hillary Clinton with opponent Donald Trump. WKSU’s Kevin Niedermier got some reaction after the event.
During his address, President Obama stressed Clinton’s experience, and said she would continue the progress he’s made. And he criticized Trump’s inexperience for the job and his penchant for making excuses when things go wrong. Alicia Smiley of Mayfield Heights took it all in.
“It was definitely a positive rally verses Trump’s negativity about law and order and things. I mean he talks about all the things he’s done in his presidency and what to bring forward.”
Other audience members commented on how a heckler chanting “Bill Clinton is a rapist” was not verbally or physically abused by the crowd, something they said would not have happened to a loud Clinton supporter at a Trump rally.