Some backers of Bernie Sanders say they’re disappointed that he’s not on the Democratic Party ticket.
But some are finding another potential candidate in a former Ohio state senator – Nina Turner.
Martha Cool is from Oakland, California, and is with National Nurses United. She wears a sticker that reads “I’m With Nina”.
She first heard Turner speak as a surrogate for Sanders, and says she’s upset with reports that Turner was dropped from speaking to the Democratic National Convention this week.
“She was disrespected. So the Democratic Party’s calls for unity? Well, they’re disrespecting a major spokesperson in the movement. It’s not very helpful. It doesn’t create unity.”
Celebrity Sanders backers such as Danny Glover and Susan Sarandon held a press conference this week to complain that the party was silencing Turner.
The usually media-friendly Turner has been quiet this week, but did say she isn’t sure of her next move but that she’s concentrating on Sanders’ supporters.