State lawmakers are introducing a bill to require women who have abortions or miscarriages to designate arrangements for burial or cremation of fetuses. Ohio Public Radio’s Jo Ingles reports.
Attorney General Mike DeWine found no evidence that Planned Parenthood of Ohio was selling body parts of aborted fetuses as had been alleged in a viral video. But that doesn’t make Republican State Rep. Kyle Koehler feel any better.
“Whether they are selling body parts or simply tossing them into landfills doesn’t matter to me anymore.”
Koehler is referring to DeWine’s allegation that Planned Parenthood’s medical-waste vendor throws fetal remains into landfills. Koehler is one of the sponsors of a bill that would require women who undergo abortions at clinics or are treated for miscarriages at hospitals to sign a form, designating burial or cremation of fetal remains. Lawmakers say they will tackle that bill next year.
Planned Parenthood is suing the state and claims DeWine's allegations are inflammatory and false.