Profile: Carol DiMauro
How long have you been a volunteer with WKSU?
I’ve been a member of WKSU since 1993 and became a volunteer shortly after that. I can’t remember the exact year but I know that it was somewhere in the mid to late nineties. I worked at University Health Services as a nurse at that time and would come over after work to answer phones during fund drives. I had an extra feeling of community because of the shared university connection.
What are some of your favorite tasks to do for the station?
As a volunteer, I’ve answered phones and made thank you phone calls, hosted the WKSU table on Earth Day at the Berea Fairgrounds, hosted our table at Downtown at Dusk, helped during station open houses, and served as a volunteer during a speaker series featuring David Folkenflick. I’ve enjoyed all of these volunteer opportunities but my favorite times have been working the phones.
Tell us about your favorite moment volunteering.
One of my biggest thrills was meeting Leonard Will at the 50th anniversary celebration. I used to wake up to his voice every morning and then that calm and reassuring voice of his would guide me to work as I listened to him on my car radio.Now does that give you a clue as to how long I’ve been with this radio station?
What do you think is the most rewarding part of being a volunteer?
When I’ve worked the phones, I have had the joy of meeting up with a former neighbor and reuniting with a co-worker from many years ago. Over the years, it’s been fun to see the same familiar names and faces when I show up for an assignment. We’ve enjoyed many good stories and conversations together with a few good laughs thrown in. I’ve also had some very pleasurable conversations with members calling in on the phone! WKSU members by and large are a great bunch!
What is your favorite part about doing volunteer work?
Overall, I love my public radio, especially WKSU. When we’re away from home, we always live stream when we can. So volunteering is my small way of contributing to its health and well being.
Profile: Leah Berger

What made you want to volunteer with WKSU?
Very simply, I believe in the work that WKSU and NPR do, and I moved into an area where a station was located. Getting to volunteer is rewarding, but getting to volunteer time towards the betterment of something you care about makes the experience all the more worthwhile.
How long have you been a listener of the station?
I have been a life-long listener of public radio. My mom always had WOUB on when I was growing up in my hometown of Sugar Grove, Ohio. I also remember my grandmother having WKSU playing when I would visit her in Green, Ohio. I, myself, have been an active listener for about nine years when I moved to Wooster and began graduate school at Kent State. Now my husband and I listen every morning in our home in Kent, Ohio.
What are some of your favorite tasks to do for the station?
I got to work the WKSU table at the Kent Art In the Park event, which was really fun! I liked being out in the park and meeting people when they stopped. I also got to volunteer at the station during an event that welcomed community members. That day I got to meet a majority of the reporters and staff and take my first tour of the station!
Have you made any friends through your volunteer work?
Because I just recently started, I have met lots of new people, and look forward to meeting even more! My brother-in-law is also a volunteer so it’s been nice having this experience to bond over.
Tell us about your favorite moment while volunteering.
I would have to say that meeting the reporters has been my favorite moment. It took some getting used to hearing their voices come out of their mouths considering I have been listening to those voices for years but am just meeting them for the first time.
What do you think is the most rewarding part of being a volunteer?
The most rewarding part of being a volunteer is the feeling that I am contributing to work I believe in.
What is your favorite part about doing volunteer work?
I couldn't say I had a favorite part. There are several aspects I really appreciate though like meeting other members of the community who also support local public radio, participating in community events, and giving back to something that has been with me my whole life.
If you could go scuba diving with any WKSU personality, who would it be?
I would choose Kabir Bhatia! I only met him once but he seemed very kind and chill and if I had to guess, I'd say he'd be up for it!
Profile: Wendy Lichtenwalter

What made you want to volunteer with WKSU?
I love the station so much because it gives in-depth information about the issues I am concerned about. I just wanted to find a way to give back.
How long have you been a volunteer?
A little more than a year, but I did help with a pledge drive once in about 2001.
How long have you been a listener of the station?
I’ve been listening to WKSU since I heard NPR on U Michigan station while visiting family in 1978. My sister helped me find WKSU in 1979 and I’ve been listening and contributing ever since.
What are some of your favorite tasks to do for the station?
I LOVED helping with the Station Tours. It showed me that folks from every walk of life are fans and supporters of the station, and I was privileged to share the behind-the-scenes operations. I have some computer skills, so I have asked to help with office work and I helped Rachel in membership with the database earlier this year. I also did the WKSU table at Blossom once. Fun to meet folks!
Tell us about your favorite moment while volunteering.
I got to meet Mark Pennell. I told him that if he had a fan club, I would be fan #1. When he is announcing, everything he says sounds like he is sitting across the kitchen table from the listeners.
How did you learn about our volunteer opportunities?
I think there was a question on a pledge card at one point, but I got an email from Patti McCoy offering an information session. After attending that evening, I felt I could be an asset, so I signed up for several types of volunteering.
What is your favorite part about doing volunteer work?
See above. There are jobs that others can’t or don’t want to do for which I have the time, skills, and creativity. Public Radio is a part of my life that I don’t want to do without, so anything I can do to stretch the dollars is just exactly what I should be doing.
If you could go scuba diving with any WKSU personality, who would it be?
Mark Pennell. Talking about discoveries after the dive would be so much fun. I’m a biologist by profession and I could find a lot of stuff to note and discuss and hear his friendly voice.
But I’d like to go with Patti McCoy—she has an endless supply of patience and genuine appreciation for her volunteers. What a good friend she is! She’s just not an “on-air personality.”
Profile: John Mancinelli

What made you want to volunteer with WKSU?
I have been a listener for many years and wanted to give more than just money. The few times I met the staff they seemed like a great bunch to be around and easy to work with. WKSU was my first place to volunteer and it has only gotten better
How long have you been a volunteer?
Since June of 2019, although I really started planning to volunteer in October 2018.
How long have you been a listener of the station?
Roughly 34 years - since 1988. I commuted about 45 minutes to and from work and gravitated to WKSU. It was a good break from the typical radio formats.
What are some of your favorite tasks to do for the station?
I particularly like helping at the Cleveland Orchestra concerts at Blossom and local fairs. Stuffing envelopes is OK, too, it is fun to be around so many other volunteers.
Have you made any friends through your volunteer work?
Only the workers at the station itself. I have not been doing this long enough to really know the other volunteers.
Tell us about your favorite moment while volunteering.
The first time at Blossom, when I realized we (WKSU volunteers) needed to make our presence known to the guests coming in. It made for a fun day of meeting people and attracting them to WKSU.
What do you think is the most rewarding part of being a volunteer?
Helping an organization, and not only WKSU. So many places need volunteers and it is easy to be helpful and have a good time doing it.
How did you learn about our volunteer opportunities?
I retired in May of 2019. A year before that I was in contact with Patti, the volunteer manager at WKSU, about volunteer opportunities.
What is your favorite part about doing volunteer work?
The opportunity to help in many different places, doing many different things. It keeps the days full and me out of a rut.
You get to host an on-air program for a day. What is your show called and what is it about?
I would do a repeat of the War of the Worlds. I probably would have to lock myself in the control room, but it would be worth it.