Reconstruction of the 14,400-foot-long c in the Portage Lakes is about to get underway. So, the designers and contractors for the project held another round of briefings Thursday to update the public.
About a hundred people came to each of three, hour-long sessions at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources District office on Portage Lakes Drive.
This exchange between Ice Cream shop owner Mike Bordner and project designer Pete Nix about construction noise near the store characterized much of the tone of the meetings.
“What impact do you think that will have on a business where we have to talk to people?”
“I know that you and I talked that you folks’s store is closed January and February.”
“Ideal time to do that work, right?”
“Oh, yes, if you did it then that would be wonderful.”
“Exactly, and that’s what we’ll try to do.”
“OK, great.”
Most people with questions seemed satisfied with the answers. Work on East Reservoir Dam will start in mid-summer and take about a year.