The Cleveland Teachers Union says there is still time for the city’s public school officials to return to the bargaining table before a fact-finder takes over the contract negotiations. Last week the Cleveland Metropolitan School District halted talks saying they had stalled.
Teachers union chief David Quolke says the negotiations did not break down after three months. But, he says the district refused to discuss less student testing, better pay for teacher’s aides and improvements in the teacher evaluation system among other issues. Quolke says the fact finding will begin in late April, and both sides should get back to the bargaining table before then.
“it’s in the best interest of both parties, the Cleveland kids and the community, that the two sides work to tackle those tough issues and come to a negotiated settlement, not let an independent third party make those decisions for you.”
A district official says the district cannot publicly discuss the issues on the table, but points out that other unions in the school district have agreed to one year contract extensions. The current teachers’ contract expires at the end of June.