The Ohio State Highway Patrol reports deaths on the state’s roads have increased in five of the past six years, and last year was the second-deadliest year in the past decade. This is why state leaders are backing a new effort to crack down on distracted driving.
Gov. Mike DeWine says a proposed bill would ban the use of handheld wireless devices while driving and toughen penalties for distracted driving. He says it would make driving while using phones and other similar devices a primary offense. Right now, he explains, the crime is only a secondary offense.
“That means that today, in Ohio, law enforcement can see a driver texting or emailing, but unless that driver commits another offense, such as speeding or running a red light, that officer can do absolutely nothing,” DeWine said.
The bipartisan bill has support from insurance companies and safety groups. Lawmakers have considered similar bills before but haven’t passed them.