Hundreds of communities around the country participated in the Walk for Freedom over the weekend, bringing awareness to the issue of human trafficking.
One of the silent walks taking place in Northeast Ohio wound through downtown North Canton for three miles. It’s the third year that Kathie Gray helped put together the event, but the first year she’s doing it as part of the non-profit Not For Sale: One Step At a Time, which she co-founded. Gray says the group is trying to bring attention to the fact that Ohio is 4th in the nation in human trafficking cases. And they’re hoping to get a 5-week course on the subject added to North Canton’s high school curriculum, so kids can better protect themselves.
“They teach them ways not to get trafficked. So they’ll go through social media, how to properly do your social media accounts, and so many other different aspects of it. But it’s common core approved, so they get credit for English, Social Studies and History.”
About 200 people participated in the North Canton walk. Similar events were held in Cleveland and Columbus.