Changes are under way to make it easier for people to hunt and fish in Ohio. The changes simplify the licensing process.
Starting this week, Ohioans can get hunting and fishing licenses that last 3, 5 or 10 years.
Or, for $450, a lifetime license that never expires.
Republican Senator Joe Uecker of southwest Ohio says this will create a big convenience for hunters.
“One less thing to worry about when they’re planning their trip, sometimes it’s one of the littlest things that you forget and you’re like ‘oh yeah, and my license.’”
The fishing license used to expire on the last day of February no matter when it was purchased. Now a fishing license will last a full calendar year.
Other changes make it easier for children to go hunting or fishing with a licensed adult.
The Ohio Division of Wildlife has projected an increase in revenue as high as $800,000 because of the changes.
These new licenses can be purchased beginning September 28 at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ main office in Columbus.
On October 9, these licenses will be available for purchase online and at ODNR district offices.