Canton City Council has approved installing security cameras in the city’s center. The plan is in response to an increase in people visiting downtown.

The 10-camera system will provide continuous surveillance of the heart of the city. That’s the area Canton has been revitalizing with an arts district and the conversion of old commercial sites into urban-life-style lofts. The city wanted cameras two years ago but couldn’t afford the $80,000 price from a national vendor.
Now a local company is offering to do the job for half that.
Canton IT Director Patrick Barton says the city is in a better position to buy, as well.
“We were able to do away with some historical maintenance contracts as we were able to move to new solution this year. And that allowed us to free up some money in the capital budget that we were able to use to pursue this camera project.”
The cameras will feed into a wireless system that police can access at any time.