An environmental group is hoping to mobilize young voters with the help of Pokemon Go. WKSU’s M.L. Schultze reports on one of dozens of unofficial political events coinciding with Cleveland’s launch of the Republican National Convention.
NextGen Climate Ohio is blending the popular app-and-internet-driven scavenger hunt with a voter-registration drive at two events in Cleveland this weekend: at Lakewood Park and at Melt restaurant on Detroit Avenue.
Joann Pickrell is NextGen’s Ohio state director. She says volunteers are Pokemon players themselves and are dropping lures that give them an opportunity to meet a core constitutency for climate concerns.
“Young voters this election cycle want to see candidates who have clear solutions to addressing climate change. And our whole goal this cycle is to engage, educate and mobilize them around this issue.younger voters and potential voters.”
The group, which is on 60 college campuses in Ohio says it’s not backing any single candidate.