Tim Rudell, WKSU
In her State of the University address Wednesday Kent State President Beverly Warren said the institution is doing well and will do even better in the future.
President Warren spoke of Kent State’s progress in becoming a leading student-first university. But since she’s retiring in July, she challenged the whole university community to continue that transformation.
Asked whether faculty and staff labor contracts will affect that, she said she’s confident those will be worked out.
“We believe that all of us are striving for the best Kent State. And that also means how we support our employees, how do we support our faculty, how we do that well? And we’re committed to that process,” Warren said. “So we’ll continue to be great partners at the table, and I’m optimistic.”
Asked if there is enough time to find her replacement by July she said that’s been in the works.
“I’ve been talking and in conversation, particularly with our chair of the board of trustees, uh, for some time.”