Anne Glausser | 216-916-6129
Some who work in labor and delivery say they are worried about the lack of PPE.
New CWRU research suggests childhood trauma screening should include questions about community violence.
Could a text messaging program tailored to black smokers help improve quit rates?
As 2019 comes to a close, here's a look at how nonprofit hospitals have given back to the Northeast Ohio community.
Hospitals traditionally put community benefit funds toward clinical care, but there's a movement to work more upstream.
Ohio kindergarten vaccination rates are about 91% for measles and other diseases.
The money comes from the closure of Lakewood Hospital and is earmarked for projects that will improve community health.
A new study suggests that a provision in Medicaid can and should be used to reimburse doctors for such screenings.
Researchers found that deadly heart infections stemming from drug use rose from 8% to 16% in the U.S. between 2002-2016.
New research shows surgery is associated with a 40% reduction in death, for obese and diabetic patients.