After a brief introduction by Mayor Frank Jackson, Chris Warren told a packed house at the City Club of Cleveland that regionalism is critical to revitalizing Northeast Ohio, and is within reach. He outlined the city's four-point plan to create a strong region.
Chris Warren: A strong flagship city. Working together for economic growth. No one's talents overlooked. Protection of our natural environment.
Detailing each platform, Warren said Cleveland must consider its' obligations to its neighbors; as well as its' neighborhoods.
But one key component was strictly about helping the urban core, Lower Euclid, around Cleveland State, and the Warehouse and Avenue Districts, through a specific economic development tool.
Chris Warren: We will seek tax increment financing zones within each district, to help finance the construction of quality commercial and residential development through the bonding of certain property tax revenues generated by these developments.
Several attending mayors later asked for opportunities to meet with Jackson and Warren - some speaking of potentially joining forces. No time frame for the plans' implementation was announced.
Rick Jackson, 90.3.