Here are your morning headlines for Tuesday, September 17:Akron Public Schools needs 20 teachers;Hall of Fame Village confirms merger;Judge allows…
Gov. Mike DeWine has signed an executive order that sets up a new information sharing platform for state agencies. Lt. Gov. and InnovateOhio Director Jon…
The newly selected board of directors for Akron’s advanced innovation hub is beginning the process of finding a CEO. The innovation hub program, which is…
The city of Akron hopes to find a new way of solving some of its problems by partnering with a local startup accelerator. Launch League’s annual “Hack N…
A new report finds that minority-owned businesses have a more difficult time getting credit from lenders than companies with white owners.The report from…
Business students from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management aren’t consulting with a top business executive this week;…
A new bar in Northeast Ohio is putting a fresh spin on virtual reality. VR Rage in Parma gives customers a chance to play virtual reality games while…
A Kent State University computer-science professor has received a $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to further his development of…
Devices that break down barriers were among the winning entries at this past weekend’s third annual Cleveland Medical Hack-a-thon.George Albercook calls…
A major Israeli business accelerator is now set to work with the Youngstown Business Incubator to bring high-tech start-ups to the Mahoning Valley.…
What started as a “fun hobby project” based on a love of origami may turn into a device with the potential to work in manufacturing, surgery, and even in…
Today’s entrepreneurs are developing new models for launching a business. There’s more emphasis on collaboration than ever before. And a new group in…
You’re probably wearing one now. The zipper is a ubiquitous fashion accessory whose design has remained relatively unchanged since it was invented one…