Here are your morning headlines for Friday, October 19:Cleveland announces gun buyback program;Ford to sell Brook Park engine plant;Camp Ravenna gets new…
The collapse of traditional manufacturing has hit Trumbull County as hard as any place in Ohio. Drastic cuts at the GM plant in Lordstown have many trying…
As you drive into southwestern Trumbull County, a few yard signs still mark the battle lines over TJX -- a battle that centers on the question of whether…
Here are your morning headlines for Monday, June 4: Mercy Health in Cincinatti to pay $14 million in a settlement;Representatives from major airlines come…
Here are your morning headlines for Monday, March 5:ODOT unveils $51 million infrastructure project;Canton to vote on ordinance to round up abandoned…
Here are your morning headlines for Monday, Feb. 26:Ohio's higher education board at a standstill amid uncertain future;Portman voices support for raising…
Here are your morning headlines for Thursday, Jan. 18:U.S. EPA reverses stance on Lake Erie impairment designation;Trumbull County woman extradited from…
Here are your morning headlines for Wednesday, October 25th:Pastor with ties to Trump mulls congressional bid;Administration makes up 20 percent of…
A private hunting reserve that opened last fall in Trumbull County’s Vienna Township is still raising questions from nearby residents. The old Candywood…