In a letter released Wednesday, Black Elected Officials of Summit County called on Akron to consider a more diverse group of candidates in selecting the next police chief.
The Summit County Outreach Team initiative consists of Akron Fire, Akron Police and a behavioral health specialist who will respond to mental health calls.
Rep. Tavia Galonski resigned Jan. 3 to enter the screening process to be appointed clerk of courts, according to the Ohio House Democratic Caucus.
Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh's retirement is effective Feb. 16, 2024, according to her office. Walsh is undergoing heart surgery later this month to combat the effects of heart failure related to contracting COVID-19.
Summit County is building a high speed broadband network, according to officials. When it's completed, it will connect all 31 communities in the county.
Summit County wants to move Peninsula from septic systems to a centralized wastewater management system. Officials proposed the plan at a joint special village council and planning commission meeting in early December.
Peninsula currently runs on septic systems, which Ohio Environmental Protection Agency officials say are leaking E. Coli into the Cuyahoga River.
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are available at the Summit County Public Health Department during a series of December walk-in clinics.
Results from the Cuyahoga and Summit county boards of election were slow to roll in Tuesday night. The issues stemmed from a new system and a software error, according to election officials.
The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank says food insecurity is on the rise in Summit County. Leaders from food banks met this week to discuss how to meet this increased need.