The OH Really team answers your questions about the coronavirus, from wastewater testing to concerns that voting may have contributed to the current surge in cases.
Summit County Public Health has passed an order mandating that masks be worn in public, even though a statewide order remains in place. Health…
With cases of COVID-19 still rising across the county, Summit County Public Health on Monday recommended that schools conduct classes online this fall…
Health experts are encouraging Summit County parents to follow safe sleep guidelines after a large increase in the number of sleep-related, infant…
This week, entertainment venues across the state are reopening following three months of shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. As things open back…
Officials with the Summit County Public Health Department say – when it comes to protests – they’re concerned about it leading to community spread of…
Businesses in Ohio are re-opening and schools are making plans for this fall. But you’ve still got questions about the future of telemedicine, and when…
Ohio’s coronavirus testing rate is one of the worst in the country. Data compiled by Johns Hopkins University shows the per capita rate is about even with…
Ohio businesses continue to re-open this week, and you’ve still got questions about how coronavirus will affect everything from your pets to homeless…
As some of Ohio’s non-essential businesses reopen, you’ve still got questions about how coronavirus will affect everything from college tuition refunds to…