Some Ohioans who oppose the U.S. assassination of senior Iranian military Commander Qasem Soleimani took to the streets in several cities over the…
A gathering in Columbus was among the scores of protests leading up to President Trump’s abrupt reversal of his family separation policy today. The…
A top Democratic Ohio leader has voiced his concern that President Donald Trump’s executive orders reflect white nationalist rhetoric. But does Gov. John…
About 50 activists demonstrated around the Statehouse yesterday, hoping to send a message to Gov. John Kasich about two newly passed abortion…
There will be protests across the country tomorrow over the Dakota Access pipeline. WKSU's Kabir Bhatia reports on one scheduled for 4 p.m. in Northeast…
About 20 protestors showed up at FirstEnergy headquarters in Akron today to send a holiday message to CEO Charles Jones. WKSU's Kabir Bhatia…