Ohio Senator Rob Portman wants to hear a unifying message from President Trump tonight. Signaling his own desire for bipartisan cooperation, the…
Here are your morning headlines for Wednesday, Jan. 16:Sen. Sherrod Brown to tour early states before 2020 decision;Federal food assistance arriving early…
Here are your morning headlines for Monday, November 5: President Trump to host election eve Cleveland rally;Veterans receive free museum admission amid…
Here are your morning headlines for Wednesday, October 24:Joe Biden to campaign in Youngstown;Unemployement rates down in NE Ohio;Kent State President…
Gov. John Kasich says it’s not right for immigrants to be blamed for taking jobs away from Ohioans. Statehouse correspondent Jo Ingles explains why.Kasich…
Here are your morning headlines for Tuesday, September 18:Akron City Council votes to shut down tent city;15 Cleveland Police recruits fired for…
Gov. John Kasich says Ohio should be doing everything it can to defend the part of the Affordable Care Act that requires health-care coverage for people…
The president 's visit to Richfield was billed as a presentation of his infrastructure revitalization plan. But it was also a kind of campaign stop.The…
More than half of Ohio Republicans trust the President more than the news media when it comes to "telling the truth about important issues."That's…
A billionaire Democratic fundraiser who’s been running a TV and online campaign to impeach President Trump has launched a series of at least 30 town hall…