Health and safety officials in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County hope expanded use of the heroin overdose antidote Narcan will save more lives. Cleveland EMS…
Narcan (also known as Naloxone) is a medication that can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug. Narcan blocks the effects of opioids on the brain…
Narcan, the medication that can offset the effects of opiates and revive overdose victims, is widely carried by area police, fire and EMT personnel. But,…
As of September 13th, 2016, a person on the scene of a drug overdose in Ohio can call for help without fear of being arrested themselves on minor drug…
Summit County Health Department Trains Police and the Public on How to Use an Overdose-Reversal DrugAkron police are being trained this week on how to use the drug Naloxone to revive overdose victims. And as WKSU’sKabirBhatia reports, other cities – and…