Here are your morning headlines for Tuesday, Jan. 23:Akron will postpone courthouse project, take on more debt in 2018 capital budget;Cleveland strikes…
Stark County is offering Narcan over-dose revival kits to opiate-addicted inmates who are released from the county jail. Sheriff George Maier says Stark…
Some of the biggest players in the fight against Ohio’s opioid abuse told business leaders that the epidemic might be closer than they think and warned…
Health and safety officials in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County hope expanded use of the heroin overdose antidote Narcan will save more lives. Cleveland EMS…
Ohio is extending a program that allows public agencies to get rebates on the opioid overdose antidote naloxone.Amphastar Pharmaceuticals gives the…
When it comes to drug addiction, a challenge facing everyone from first responders to long-term caregivers is interrupting the cycle of dependency. This…
Narcan (also known as Naloxone) is a medication that can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug. Narcan blocks the effects of opioids on the brain…
Narcan, the medication that can offset the effects of opiates and revive overdose victims, is widely carried by area police, fire and EMT personnel. But,…
The state’s top law enforcement official is urging communities to take advantage of all the programs available to help them fight the heroin epidemic in…
Summit County Health Department Trains Police and the Public on How to Use an Overdose-Reversal DrugAkron police are being trained this week on how to use the drug Naloxone to revive overdose victims. And as WKSU’sKabirBhatia reports, other cities – and…