Cuyahoga TAY, which stands for transitioning aged youth, will offer 50 units of affordable and permanent housing for young adults between the ages of 18 and 24.
Under the ordinance, tenants can defend themselves against eviction proceedings in housing court by showing that they offered to pay back rent, reasonable late fees and court costs, but that the landlord refused to accept payment.
Akron police have arrested a man accused of breaking into the Akron Art Museum and starting some small trash fires in the building; Ohio's new congressional district map faces another legal challenge; housing advocates in Cleveland say a new report confirms what they’ve been worried about when it comes to who’s buying up residential properties; and more stories.
The advocates want Justin Bibb and Kevin Kelley to promise certain renter rights when a new administration takes over.
They say tenants need time to tap into billions of dollars in available federal funds.
The number of Ohioans age 16 and older getting their initial coronavirus vaccinations jumped 33% week over week after the state announced its Vax-a-Million lottery; the Reverend Ernest Angley was remembered in an hour-long service yesterday at Grace Cathedral; Akron’s housing market continues to be a hot one; and more stories.
New "pay-to-stay" and "source-of-income protections" laws passed this week give renters some peace of mind concerning discriminatory housing practices.
The new law will help those who are unable to pay their rent, mortgage and utilities, with the goal of keeping them in their homes.
Fewer red kettles and volunteers throughout Summit County has the campaign is 40% behind where it was last year.
Hundreds of volunteers converged on Akron’s North Hill neighborhood over the weekend to work on houses as part of National Rebuilding Month.The effort was…