Morning Headlines: Sykes: Racism is a Public Health Emergency; Chapel Hill Theft, Summit Mall ClosedHere are your morning headlines for Tuesday, June 2:Sykes: Racism is a public health emergency;Chapel Hill Mall theft, Summit Mall closedCleveland protest…
Your morning headlines for Thursday, May 28:County unemployment rates soar;YSU announces cuts, furloughs;I Promise School housing project gets $10M in tax…
An investigation is ongoing into threats targeting two sitting Democratic state lawmakers, a well-known senator from Akron who’s served in both chambers...
A state group set up to promote the advancement of women and remove barriers to women’s equality was dissolved 18 years ago, but it might come back if…
As Ohio prisons officials work on a way to continue carrying out executions, House and Senate leaders are considering having deeper discussions on the…
Local communities would not be able to ban single use plastic bags under a bill the Ohio House has passed – mostly along party lines – and sent on to the…
Leaders of the Republican dominated Ohio Legislature have expressed frustration in recent weeks that more of the bills they consider “priorities” have not…
Gov. Mike DeWine’s package of proposals to reduce gun violence through mental health and gun policy changes is getting mixed reviews. House Minority…
The speaker of the Ohio House said he expects to receive Gov. Mike DeWine's official proposal to increase gun regulations in the state soon, and the…
Finally, Ohio almost has a new two-year operating budget. Lawmakers who failed to meet the constitutional June 30th deadline worked from a temporary…