College students explain what it's like to learn and work in the field in the midst of a pandemic.
Youngstown State faculty strikes as contract talks make progress; The University of Akron has closed one of its dining halls after an employee tested positive for COVID-19; The College of Wooster moves classes online following COVID-19 outbreak, and more stories.
The former VP is ahead in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, but trails the president in Ohio by 2 points
A new Baldwin Wallace University/Great Lakes Poll reveals a partisan divide when it comes to how people are planning to vote.The poll surveyed likely…
The coronavirus crisis has upended much of the economy, including the health care system.Local hospitals saw a double financial hit from both the expense…
Here are your morning headlines for Monday, April 27:Poll: DeWine gets high marks for handling the pandemic;Ohio primary ends tomorrow;ACLU sues ICE to…
Here are your morning headlines for Thursday, March 26: Lawmakers address pandemic with sweeping legislation;Baldwin Wallace poll shows Midwest states…
A Northeast Ohio women’s college basketball coach has hit a milestone that cements her legacy as a trailblazer in her sport. Cheri Harrer notched her…
Morning Headlines: Poll: Trump Losing Support in 4 Midwest States; CLE Library Union Has Strike DateHere are your morning headlines for Wednesday, Jan. 22:Poll: Trump losing support in 4 Midwest states;CLE ibrary union has strike date;Unions file…
Here are your morning headlines for Friday, April 12: DeWine signs heartbeat bill;Plusquellic won't run for Akron mayor;Former Cuyahoga County jail guards…