Up to 100 protesters marched around downtown Cleveland Tuesday afternoon chanting for justice in the case of Tamir Rice, who was shot by police in 2014.
They called for the removal of county prosecutor Timothy McGinty, who recommended a grand jury not indict the two police officers involved in the boy’s death. Ideastream’s Mark Urycki reports.
There was disgust, if not surprise, among protesters in the lack of an indictment in the case. Longtime peace activist Greg Coleridge of Akron was asked how police could avoid another incident like the fatal shooting of the 12 year old.
“Well, no one thing but holding those individuals, who have committed atrocities likes this in the past, accountable is a pretty good start.”
Barbara WiIberg of Cleveland said it’s too late get a trial but hoped the police officers were hearing the message of the protests in Cleveland around the country.
“I think with all the concern that people are showing here and other places that the apparent complacency that police have developed over time – feeling sort of immune- that that may change.
As protesters blocked the intersection at Carnegie and E. 9th street one of them yelled “we need to come here daily.”