by Nick Castele
Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence encouraged supporters in Strongsville today to tell friends and neighbors to vote for Donald Trump. The Indiana governor made a swing through Ohio ahead of the Oct. 11 voter registration deadline.
Pence portrayed himself as less charismatic than Donald Trump, and in Strongsville his stump speech sounded more like that of traditional Republican politicians in recent years.
He pledged to take a more assertive stance in the Middle East, and to cut back on federal regulations.
“Day one of the Trump-Pence administration, Donald Trump is going to sign a moratorium on new federal regulation,” Pence said, “and he’s going to repeal every executive order that is stifling growth and jobs in this economy signed by President Barack Obama.”
And he reminded the audience that the balance of the nation’s top court is at stake.
“Ohio, we have to make sure that the next president making appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States is President Donald Trump,” he said.
At the end of his remarks, Pence fielded questions from the audience, and he reiterated Trump’s support for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Also on Pence’s schedule for the day: a campaign rally in Rossford, just outside Toledo.
Early voting begins Oct. 12 in Ohio. Next week, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and President Obama will all make campaign stops here.